How to lose weight in a week

The question, how to lose weight in a week, we usually do when there is a need to prepare for the important event. Then the body undergoes a serious evidence: express weight-loss diets, diligent, sport, taking medicines for cleaning the stomach and other all kinds of ways. Of course, for a short period, I can't get rid of a great mass, but to reset 3 – 7 kg is very real. To lose weight fast, you must apply a complex of techniques, consisting of physical exercise, proper nutrition, long walks in the open air and healthy sleep.

Weight loss and diet to lose weight at home can cause side effects, such as failures, metabolic, worsening of mood. This is possible only in the case in which to approach the process of weight loss with lightness and deplete the body fast. In reality, sometimes you just have to give up to harmful products in favor of profit, and not just need to be in the water or drinking diuretics. Before choosing a proper diet, remember that the loss of a great weight in a short period of time can impair the functioning of the internal organs. So it is best to first put a small real objectives (2 – 3 kg) and closer to his goal gradually.

How to lose weight in a week without diet?

To lose weight in a week without diets debilitating, it is necessary to limit the calorie intake. Give preference to five times the nutrition, as well as frequent meals in small quantities to promote the rapid metabolism. If you don't like counting calories during meals add the weight loss menu negative calorie foods. This means that they produce a large amount of energy, in favour of the quick to burn fat. These products include vegetables, berries and fruit, herbs and spices.

The best way to lose weight without diets – proper diet. Review your menu and abstain from junk food, brick production through. Eliminating sugar, fats, fried food, flour, sweets and products with preservatives. Nutritionists recommend eating 5 times a day, after 2 – 3 hours.

The plant food helps to eliminate waste products and toxins, making it therefore quick weight loss. Meat products to eat during the diet of lean meat and fish.

For quick weight loss the motivation is important. Remember, how comfortable you feel without a big belly, and how it fits in the dress two sizes less. Often look in the mirror and measure the amount of inches of tape. Once you see the first result fast loss of weight not more want to go back to the old eating habits.

Effective diet for weight loss

You urgently need to get in a nice dress, and you do not know where to put a few extra pounds, pay attention to their diet. An excess of calories and lack of physical exercise in life a new cm. If you have wondered how it is possible to lose weight in a week, it means that it is now the time of emergency of weight loss. You will have to restrict your menu, to quickly achieve a slim figure.

Which weight-loss diet more effective?

  • Extra slimming 10 kg maybe the kefir diet. She is very popular, as you think is useful for the intestinal microflora. Diversify the menu can be the first day of the potatoes "in uniform", during the second day of the cottage cheese, the third day – fruit, in the fourth day – boiled chicken breast, and on the fifth day – vegetables. The sixth day you do the exhaust, and only drink mineral water. On the seventh day, except the yogurt in the menu to add a small amount of fruit.
  • If you're not sure where to quickly put the useless 7 kg, it is suitable weight loss diet. It is a product with low caloric content, which helps eliminate the feeling of hunger. The Menu for the week consists of only cereals without the addition of additives. Diversify the menu can be low fat yogurt, and at the end of the week, a few slices of plums. The advantage of the diet is that you so there are almost no contraindications, and food also suitable for people with gastric disorder.

It is easier to lose weight for a menu? We offer approximate diet for one week, that is fast helps you lose 7 kg.

Weight loss program Products Drinks
Monday: a day of vegetables cooked vegetables, baked or raw tea with ginger, water
Tuesday: a day of meat 3 times per day of lean meat, 250 grams (fillet of chicken or rabbit, boiled) water, herbal teas
Environment: carbohydrates day fruit, yogurt water, tea, coffee with sugar
Thursday: soup day barley soup, soup, soup, vegetables water, mineral water, tea or coffee
Friday: day of the fish fish and some vegetables kefir
Saturday: day of flour cakes and sandwiches-in moderation the water
Sunday: a day of vegetables boiled potatoes, vegetables, aromas of ginger tea, coffee

The people who have the strength of will and an overwhelming desire to finish the work, you can try the quick "skinny diet", on it really lose weight up to 7 kg in a week. This is the european system of loss of weight, calculated on a low-calorie menu.

The menu is seven days:

  • 1 l of fresh milk, herbal tea, mineral water.
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, sugar-free natural juice.
  • The mineral water.
  • Without sugar and juice 4 potatoes, cooked "in uniform".
  • 5 apples, water.
  • Cooked chicken breast without salt (a small piece), 800 ml of juice.
  • 1 litre of yogurt.

To quickly get rid of 3 kilos and purified from the cholesterol and free radicals helps diet oatmeal for weight loss. Before starting the diet, it is necessary to pre-clean the body from toxins boiled rice. To prepare for this as a sort of gelatin 4 tablespoons of cereal and litres of water. The discharge liquid is not possible. The mixture needs to drink and for 5 hours not to eat. After the clean-up procedure, the menu of the power supply shall be composed of oatmeal. Eating can be a small amount of fruit, except grapes and bananas.

Diet to lose weight forbidden in pregnancy and breastfeeding. To quickly get rid of a few pounds without harm to the health of the mother and the child will help you only in balanced nutrition.

Please note that the diet in a single product it is possible to observe not more than a week, according to the instructions, otherwise it will begin to malfunction of the body. But you can quickly lose a couple of inches in six volumes. In addition to oatmeal and buckwheat diet popular slimming power is considered to be cucumber, cheese and carrot.

We will find physical exercise

Is broken lose weight in a week at home and improve your skin tone is possible with exercise. The process of fat burning will be faster, if you increase the energy of the body.

Exercise Of the sea

We offer simple exercises that can quickly bring the body into order.

Exercise "Of the sea" improve the state of your thighs. Take a handlebar-grips, legs put wide of the shoulders, keep your back flat. Squat up to that level, when your knees form a right angle with respect to the floor. Then do the curves of the body. Repeat the exercise for 12 times.

Exercise "Combo sink" also correct the thighs and buttocks. Become a member to the right, grab the handlebar grips, and then lunges forward, alternatively, based on the right and left foot. The back should remain straight and the hands drag the leg, which remained in a bent position. Enough 3-x exercise 10 times.

Exercise "Mahi kicks" let you get rid of cellulite. Become a member in the position of "earth", straighten the arms and legs, feet colleagues. During the exercise try to keep the pelvis is not been relieved. Alternatively, do mahi foot to 10 – 16 times a foot. Do 3 exercises.

Exercise of the "Twist" helps you lose weight in the abdomen and hips. Lie on your back, pull on the legs, and place your hands behind your head. Lifting of the legsSlowly lift your shoulders from the floor, remaining in this position for 3 seconds and descend. Try not to pull the elbows back and follow the breath. The chin must be raised. Do the exercise for 10 times 2 approach.

For the processing of the printing press lie on your back and lift your legs upwards. Exercise done 10 times, follow the rhythm.

For a week, you can get the visible result with the help of jumps with the rope, morning run and exercises with a hula-hoop. Take exercises for 30 – 40 minutes per day.

Heavy training contribute to the delay of water in the body, because of this that increases the volume. If you want to lose weight in a week, limit aerobic exercise.

In addition to exercise, nutrition and diet, don't forget to water mode. You should drink at least 2 litres of clean water a day.

Excess weight in children

It is extremely important to check the weight with the child, which is particularly serious to lose inches in life bother adolescent girls, to lose weight quickly, hidden by the parents, take the pills, to fast and tire the body strict diets for weight loss. In overweight children, risks to the health. The body is not yet fully developed, but the authorities were formed to conclude. This can lead to the deformation of the spine, heart problems, metabolic disorders, psychological distress and complex. If the excess weight is to observe a child up to 3 years, it is necessary to immediately consult a physician, as well as by only taking a diet, without damage to the organism impossible.

The main enemies of growth and formation of the body – sweets, meats, fried foods and fast food. The main task of parents – to explain to the children, because these products it is better not to drink, and, of course, exclude from the menu of the family. If you have already met with the excess weight of the child, it's not worth planting on a slimming diet. Teach fractional correct diet, do fitness, workloads and the physical exercise, from the controls, for the duration of sleep was not less than 8 hours, and walking in the open air have been conducted as often as possible, and the weight loss will not make you wait.

To achieve results in loss of weight of the child, start with yourself. Review menu family, to stop buying harmful products and try to spend more time together in the open air and during the training of athletes.

For a correct organization of child nutrition from the menu on the need to remove details carbohydrates (pastries and sandwiches), and fat (meats). Also, try to limit the consumption of calories the contours, this means that the potatoes and the pasta you can eat, but not more than 2 times a week. Insert in the daily menu more fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Try to make snacks more useful to offer cucumbers, fresh, carrots, radishes. Remember that in no case may a child of any age planting on a slimming diet. Also the power supply must be regular, in order not to disturb the work of the stomach. Physical exercise should be in moderation. An exhaustive training contraindicated youngest of the body. If you follow these simple rules, you must not think of where to put the pounds the children and be a separate menu.


As you can see, lose weight in a week is pretty true, if you want to change your lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, and to balance the menu. You can choose from and ways extreme weight loss, but remember that you assume the consequences. Prematurely out and return to family life or to heal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular or endocrine system, it is best to choose the best option with the consumption of healthy products and sports activities. Remember that you need a result already after a week, then abbiategrasso patience, it is not a great time.

"When I need to lose weight fast, I first do a day of fasting yogurt, and then I try to eat only cereals, which fill with water during the night. Plus the diet is that the menu, you can toggle the buckwheat, rice, corn and oats, and cereals, but also to clean the intestines, and obtain minerals and vitamins that are useful for the body."

"It helped me to lose weight fast 10 kg raw foods diet. I'm glad that the time has been able to nutrition because the diet I came. The only thing, if the lack of motivation, easily out without getting the desired results. Just need to think through your menu and recipes in advance and throw away all harmful products from the refrigerator."

"I often sit on different diets and I have always been able to lose weight quickly for a while. But then I relax, and still must limit their food and go on a diet. For me it has allocated the most effective of buckwheat, in which, for a week, you can lose up to 7 kg of weight."